Blog: A Dietitian’s Perspective on Halloween Candy
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Recent Posts
If you celebrated Halloween as a kid, you probably remember the rules around candy in your household. If you have children now, you...
Exploring the Words We Use to Describe Food and Eating Choices
We so often use moral language when we talk about food and our eating choices (such as “good” or “bad”). Our dietitians dig into this idea.
Six Meal Prep Tips
Even if nutrition is a priority, sometimes we just don’t want (or can’t!) spend lots of time in the kitchen. Our RDs share some tips!
Incorporating More Plants into Your Diet
There are numerous benefits to eating more plants, even if you still consume animal products. Learn how to incorporate more into your diet.
Alternatives for Dairy Products - How Do They Size Up?
We explore how dairy alternatives size up nutritionally to the real thing.
Naturally Occurring vs. Added Sugar in Dairy Products
Understanding the difference between naturally occurring vs. added sugar in dairy products.
Engaging in a Process of Change
When we start on a new journey our path on this journey may not always be straightforward.
Intuitive Eating Principle 10: Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition
We’ve come to our final Intuitive Eating principle, and don’t worry, we didn’t forget about nutrition!
Intuitive Eating Principle 9: Movement- Feel the Difference
As we get used to listening to our internal cues, we may find our body can tell us what it needs in other areas of living, such as movement.
Intuitive Eating Principle 8: Respect Your Body
When loving your body seems daunting, start instead with just respecting your body. This means taking care of it.
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